Associate Degree for Transfer
Major & Campus Search

If you enroll in an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) program at a California Community College (CCC), you can transfer to a CSU and graduate with only 120 units. There are two kinds of ADT programs: Associate in Art for Transfer (AA-T) and Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T).

To graduate from the CSU with 120 units, you will need to choose a bachelor’s program that’s similar to the one in which you earned your associate’s degree at community college.

Use this search to find a community college that has an AA-T or AS-T program you’re interested in. Start by selecting the major you’re interested in below, then choose the community college(s) near you. (You can also “select all CCCs” to see all programs across California.)

If you add “Search by CSU”, you can see which campuses have a program that’s similar to the ADT program you want to complete or have completed.

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Information published on this site is subject to change. Please consult with your community college counselor for details regarding your specific transfer degree plans.

The degree information on this site is provided by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and the CSU Office of the Chancellor and is routinely updated. For the most recent information, please refer to the date at the bottom of the query screen.